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The study of the manifestation of aggression and the level of aggressiveness of psychology students and students of other areas of professional training


  • Anastasia S. Morozova Southern Federal University



The article examines the differences in the manifestation of aggression and the level of aggressiveness of psychology students and students of other areas of professional training. The relevance of the study is due to an increase in the number and degree of aggressive tendencies among young people. The novelty of the work consists in the fact that for the first time the level of verbal aggression among students of different specialties is being investigated, which is due to the fact that verbal aggression is increasingly perceived by students as a completely acceptable norm, justified and approved by society. In the introduction, the author cites the relevance of the study due to the negative impact of aggression on both the student's personality, causing apathy, distrust and stiffness, which leads to a deterioration in the overall academic performance of students and the loss of all interest in mastering their profession, as well as on their social environment in the learning process and in future professional activity. The paper provides an analytical review of scientific approaches to the study of aggression and aggressiveness. 93 people were surveyed for the study, including 61 students of the Faculty of Psychology and 32 students of other specialties, aged 17 to 25 years. The Methods section presents the main methods of analyzing theoretical and empirical data. The main results of the study were differences in the level of verbal aggression among psychology students and students of other areas of professional training. In the «Discussion of the results» section, the author came to the conclusion that psychology students and students of other specialties have differences in the level of aggression, namely, differences in the levels of direct and indirect verbal aggression, which turned out to be higher among students of the psychological direction.

Author Biography

Anastasia S. Morozova, Southern Federal University

student of the Academy of Psychology and Pedagogy






General psychology, personality psychology